Elegant Poetic Fearless Exhibition Design


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press about my work:


    "The sound design, overseen by John Monaco, is impressive at isolating these moments, and creating a connective drone that draws people through the exhibition."



    "The immersive concept of this exhibition is cool, surprising, and uses the architecture of the building in a unique and moving way."



    “One of the things I have always loved about the Museum is their fearlessness when it comes to exhibition design and color.” 



   "You’ve arrived elsewhere, somewhere between Eastern and Western rituality. You’ve come to praise a new kind of occult: the hybrid."



◉  "these tiny viewing cubbies, resembling Japanese micro-hotel rooms for ants, serve as temporary homes for individual “offerings..."



◉   "...or an historical curiosity predisposed to scavenging through all the now-defunct esoterica in the junkyard of historic culture."